First-Class Matches: Pakistan 1984/85 to 1986/87 SOLD OUT
Edited by John Bryant
The ACS ‘Hard to Get’ series provides scorecards of first-class matches that have been difficult or impossible to obtain in print.
This book, the eighth entry in the series, covers the three exceptionally busy (but previously ill-documented) Pakistan seasons from 1984/85 to 1986/87, during which as many as 309 first-class matches were played.
The book includes a brief narrative introducing each season, and full league tables for the various competitions.
It is also available in three discounted packages: Package D, along with First-Class Matches Pakistan 1975/76 to 1979/80 and First-Class Matches Pakistan 1980/81 to 1983/84; Package E, along with First-Class Matches Pakistan 1975/76 to 1979/80; and Package F, along with First-Class Matches Pakistan 1980/81 to 1983/84.
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